Sunday, March 18, 2007

Race Week: My Opinion

What do you do the week of a big race?

The first thing that comes to mind when thinking of the last week before the race is: Taper! What does it mean to taper? It means to ease off on the running and working out and give my muscles and connective tissue the week to rebuild and rest. What it also means is that I need to replenish my muscle glycogen stores by using easily digestible, high energy foods.

So what/when and how often should I run the week of a race? I like to cut everything at least in half and I also think that it is a good time to drop any Junk Miles that I might be doing. I focus on a couple key runs and possibly a VO2 workout. Everything I do in the final two weeks is done with the ultimate goal of ending on an emotional high with a positive outlook on the coming race.

What do I eat the week of a race? I like to eat "better" the week of any race. I cut out things like alcohol and caffeine, I stay away from hard to digest things like pork and beef, and I definitely don't try any new things like that new Hungarian Buffet in the strip mall. Try to stick to things that your body is used to and agrees with. Bagels, white Pasta, rice and of course Chicken are all good and easy. Don't overdue it and just go with what works. Personally, I always have Pizza the night before my race. The bottom line and what all runners of every ability will tell you: Go with what got you there, Don't try anything new.

Get your mind ready for the race. You have done the training, you have put in the miles, now go out there and run the race that you want. Do It.

What do you think?

1 comment:

Ken said...

Fruit juices and sports drinks are good carbo supplements if you're having trouble eating all that pasta. Try not to miss meals, but also try to avoid overeating. Balance and consistency are particularly important as the big run approaches.

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