The 3rd Annual Las Vegas North Memorial Freeze your Ass Crapper Hill 21.1 km-ish Half of a Marathon went off without incident. 20 runners and a walker braved the course as we set out at 8:30 am on Sunday morning. The weather turned out to be quite nice even though it was around -10C. The roads had a light covering of snow which was melted or cleared by the time we were finished with the race. The lead runners finished in record challenging times and added to the swelling crowds of spectators and volunteers who gathered to cheer in the last competitors as they crossed the finish line.
After the race, the festivities continued at Papp's in Pickering. Participants and Volunteers swapped stories and enjoyed each others company while making this a day that will live in infamy.
A special thanks to all the participants, volunteers, course marshalls, spectators, and race organisers who made this such a great event.
Anyone wishing to contribute their take on the event please send me your review and I will gladly post it.
Anyone know how to post our results onto Road Race Greg probably wants to post his first place finish...
Where are all the finish line photo's???
who broke the toilet seat?
who left it in the upright position?
Who scared away the horses?? Someone's mug gave them quite the fright!
"Who scared away the horses?? Someone's mug gave them quite the fright! "
I think it was Craig...check out the pictures I got of him smacking one of the horses...
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