Wednesday, February 27, 2008

I am turning into a weather wimp.

Okay, I haven't been having any luck lately with my runs. I find myself running in driving rain, biting snow, blinding wind, having to run in the ruts in the road while dodging cars. All this for the sake of keeping up my base and frequency of runs.

When will the winter be over? Can someone please tell me when I will be able to ditch the parka, the 4 layers, the gloves, the frozen water bottles and the threat of being hit by a snowplow?

Okay, enough whining. Anyone running tonight? I hear it's gonna be chilly. I swear this will be the last one.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How 'bout tonight? (Friday)
Nice little wind going every direction.


And, no, you're not a wimp. We're all a bit sick and tired of the white stuff.

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