Friday, March 02, 2007

The Vascular Health Network PTBO Half Marathon

The new and improved Peterborough Half Marathon ran on Sunday February 25Th, 2007. The race venue was at the brand new YMCA on Alymer St. Sign-up, kit pick-up and a couple of vendors were in the gymnasium, making for a quick and easy experience. The change rooms were easy to find with ample room and great amenities.

The race Start/Finish line was a short 3 block walk, allowing for participants to stretch their legs and get acclimated to the cool air. The starting gun time was 12:30 pm, so it would be a pretty late start to the race. This also made for a very long day with the drive in from Pickering.

The new race course started out in a residential area with some twists and turns for the first 2 kms. It then ran adjacent to the 115 hwy and eventually made its way out to Airport Rd and past the Peterborough airport. By that point the road was flat and open. Mainly having farms and rural houses around made for some open spaces, where on another day could have made for a very gruelling run if there had been any kind of bad weather. The course followed a few large and well maintained roads to the turn around point. With the course being an "out and back" course, racers were able to see all those who were ahead of them as they came around the turn pylon, as well as all those who were behind them. This made for many cheering opportunities as one could pick out any friends running that day.

With some head winds on the return, racers got their moneys worth with the open fields and cold temperatures. The run back along the 115 hwy proved to be the harshest and highest point of the race as the wind was strongest at that point. Once back in the residential area, the final 2 kms were shielded and proved to be a very nice finish to the run. A special treat about the PTBO HM in years past had been the ability to see the finish line from nearly a km away. This year the organizers did not disappoint as the final stretch was very long and the finish line was visible for about 700m away. More than enough time to push for a good time as well as look for anyone who may have come out to cheer for you.

Pros: Great Venue, Super Flat course.

Cons: Open to the elements (remember it's February!), Lack of places for spectators.

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